Prophet Joseph Smith as a Leader

The young Joseph Smith when still only 14, saw God the Father and his Son Jesus Christ in a personal visitation in the spring of 1820.

Who is the Real Emma Smith?

Emma Smith was born in 1804 in Pennsylvania. Her family was fairly well-off financially, and so Emma was well-educated for a woman of her time.

How Joseph Smith Translated the Book of Mormon

Most of the descriptions of the process of translating the Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ have been provided by those who helped the prophet, Joseph Smith, as scribes.

Witnesses of the Prophet Joseph Smith

When but 14 years of age, this courageous young man [Joseph Smith] entered a grove of trees, which later would be called sacred, and received an answer to his sincere prayer.

Joseph Smith: A Man of Courage

This is but one example of the leadership that Joseph Smith exemplified. Young though he was, he was like a father to Saints of all ages—a wise father, a loving father, filled with wisdom.

The Martyrdom: The Prophet Seals His Testimony with His Blood

On the afternoon of June 27, 1844, the little group of brethren sat silent and disconsolate in the jail. One of the men asked Elder Taylor, who had a rich tenor voice, to sing to them.

The Book of Mormon: Keystone of Our Religion

“I told the brethren that the Book of Mormon was the most correct of any book on earth, and the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book.”

*See also, An Original History by Joseph Smith.

Joseph Smith, Jr. (1805–1844) was the founding prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or “Mormon Church.” A prophet, according to the Old and New Testament, relies on revelation from God to teach the people, and not on his own wisdom or learning.

joseph smith mormonJoseph Smith, as prophet, teacher, and beloved leader of the “Saints” (as members of the Church are called) was the prophet of the “Restoration.” That is, he did not establish a new religion, but restored the ancient Church of Christ.  He was able to do this, because he was called of God, given authority from God, and taught truths which he received directly from God. Through his ministry, what began as a handful of believers in 1830 has become a worldwide Church. Joseph Smith accomplished his work without the advantages of schooling, property, or family prominence. The cause of Christ he championed has never taken a step backward.

The Prophet Joseph Smith is one of the most charismatic and influential religious figures in American history. Many followed his teachings and joined the Church which Joseph organized both during his life and after his death, but many others opposed his teachings. The teachings of the restored church seemed heretical, when compared with the teachings of Orthodox priests and Protestant ministers.  This is because, after the death of Christ and His apostles, true doctrine had gradually been lost, but church leaders of other faiths refuse to acknowledge this.

This site is dedicated to the Prophet Joseph Smith and to all serious truth-seekers who want to know more about him. The testimony of the prophet Joseph Smith about the Savior Jesus Christ and about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints needs to be considered seriously and prayerfully by all who want to receive a testimony of the truth revealed directly from God.

We invite you to come and learn more about the Prophet Joseph Smith. We know that if you will do it with an open heart and an open mind, having a true desire to know the truth, you will be able to find answers to your questions.


Other brief articles about Joseph Smith

Joseph Smith Memorial

Joseph Smith as a Leader

The Joseph Smith Movie

The Joseph Smith Papers

Many of Joseph Smith’s Revelations were Received in the Company of Other People

Note: A discussion regarding the Prophet Joseph Smith and polygamy is beyond the scope of this website. Learn more about Mormon polygamy.

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