Mormons are Christians and believe in, and worship Jesus Christ as creator of the earth and our Savior and Redeemer. Mormon doctrine teaches that Christ is the literal Son of God. Through Christ a way was provided for us to be perfected and return to live with God.
Christ Created the Earth
Jesus the Great Teacher and ExampleMembers of the Mormon Church believe that Christ lived a perfect life and taught us through his words and actions how we should live. The Mormon Church encourages members to learn and understand Christ’s teachings found in the Bible and also in the Book of Mormon, which was translated by the Prophet Joseph Smith with divine help. Some of the most important things taught to us by Jesus Christ are, how to pray to Heavenly Father, how to be humble and serve others, Heavenly Fathers plan for us, and how to be baptized. The AtonementMormon doctrine teaches that Christ’s atonement can save us from the sins we all commit in this life, if we genuinely repent. The atonement included not only Christ giving his life on the cross, but also his suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane. Christ was the only person who could fulfill the atonement because He is the literal Son of God. To use the atonement in our own lives, we must have faith in Christ, repent, be baptized, receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, obey the commandments, and endure to the end in righteousness. If we do this, the atonement gives us the opportunity to become perfected and live with God again. The ResurrectionAfter the crucifixion, Christ’s body lay in the tomb; on the third day his body and spirit were reunited. This supports the Mormon belief that Christ has and will continue to have a perfected, glorified body of flesh and bones. Christ’s triumph over death is a free gift to all mankind. We will all be resurrected and live on forever. Video: Mormons are Christians, with Apostle Jeffrey R. Holland Other Links:1 John 1:10. King James Version of the Bible 2 Hebrews 1:2 King James Version of the Bible Go to the next article in the Beliefs section: |