6 History of Joseph Smith by his Mother, Chapter 6

Chapter 6 Daniel  Mack’s courage in saving the lives of three men in Miller’s River by Montague, Massachusetts.      1790s Daniel  comes next in order. He was a man of the world, but with one peculiarity-he was, as many can testify, in many scenes of danger where lives were exposed, and he was always the first to the rescue, and thus was the means of saving many a helpless victim from the jaws of death.joseph smith mormonOne circumstance of this kind took place in the town of Montague on Miller’s River, when one of the number proposed taking a swim.  Daniel  objected, saying it was a dangerous place to swim in, yet they were determined and three went in; but, going out into the stream rather too far, they were overpowered by the current and a kind of eddy which they fell into, and they sank immediately.

At this  Daniel  said, “Now, gentlemen, these men are drowning; who will assist them at the risk of his life?” No one answered. At this he sprang into the water and, diving to the bottom, found one of them fastened to some small roots.  Daniel  took hold of him and tore up the roots to which he was clinging and brought him out, and then told the bystanders to get a barrel for the purpose of rolling him on it in order to make him disgorge the water which he had taken. He then went in again and found the other two in the same situation as the first and saved them in like manner.

After rolling them a short time on the barrel, he took them to a house and gave them every possible attention until they had so far recovered as to be able to speak. As soon as they could talk, one of them, fixing his eyes upon Daniel, said, “Mr. Mack, we have reason to look upon you as our savior, for you have delivered us from a watery tomb; and I would that I could always live near you. We are now assured that you have not only wisdom to counsel, but when men have spurned your advice, you still have that greatness of soul which leads you to risk your own life to save your fellowman. No, I will never leave you as long as I live, for I wish to convince you that I ever remember you, and that I will never slight your counsel again.”

In this they were all agreed, and they carried out the same in their future lives.

Go to chapter 7.

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