The Mormon Church has the largest family history library in the world, and many people know that members of the Mormon Church are very interested in finding their ancestors; but why is this something that is so greatly supported by the Church? The reason is that Mormon doctrine teaches that families can be together forever, and members are encouraged to find their ancestors so that they may do their temple work and become sealed to deceased family members in the temple.The Mormon Church teaches that death is not the end of family relationships. The prophet Joseph Smith, through revelation from God, further explained this doctrine when he stated the “same sociality which exists among us here will exist among us there [after death and into eternity], only it will be coupled with eternal glory.”1 Through the restoration of the Mormon FamilyMelchizedek priesthood, which holds the power to seal on earth and in heaven, men and women have the opportunity again to be with family after death. To do this, a person must participate in the ordinances required by God. These ordinances are baptism, receiving the Holy Ghost, covenants made in the temple, and sealing. When all of these things are done, and a couple is righteous and stays true to their covenants, their marriage is eternal, and any children born to them are eternally theirs. However, there have been many people who have lived without the knowledge of the gospel or who have not had the opportunity to enter into the ordinances of God. This is why family history work is done. Members find names and families and perform ordinances in Mormon temples by proxy for these people. As spirits, those who have died have the choice of accepting the ordinances and being eternally sealed to their families or of rejecting them.The Church offers its family history resources to anyone without charge, and encourages anyone who is interested to use the Family History Library in Salt Lake City or any of the branch libraries found all over the world. The Church also offers a website called where anyone can use the Church’s resources to search for information about his family history.Other Links:

1 Section 130:2. Doctrine and Covenants
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