Mormon missionaries are easy to identify by their clean-cut appearance, white shirt and tie, and black name-tags, which state that they are representatives of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You will find Mormon missionaries throughout the world spreading the message that the gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored to the earth in the latter days. But who are they and exactly what do they do?Who are Mormon missionaries?
There are over 60,000 volunteer missionaries serving throughout the world. Most of them are young, single men and women between the ages of 19 and 23. Young men serve for two years and young women for eighteen months. Many retired seniors, men, women, and couples, also serve as Mormon missionaries for various lengths of time.Mormon missionaries serve at their own expense. They do not receive compensation for their time. Church members often donate money to help those who cannot afford to serve a mission on their own.Mormon missionaries come from around the world and serve wherever they are asked to go. How do you become a Mormon missionary? Each person who desires to be a Mormon missionary must first complete an application process. He/she must have a desire to teach and show that he is worthy to act as a representative of Christ. Each missionary call is issued from Church headquarters in Salt Lake City.After receiving his call, a Mormon missionary enters one of 17 missionary training centers around the world. There he receives 3 weeks of training on how to best teach the gospel, or 9 weeks if he is learning a foreign language.Mormon missionaries travel and live in pairs and sometimes groups of three. Each has an assigned companion that he is expected to stay with at all times.Each Mormon missionary is assigned to a geographical area that is referred to as a “mission”. A mission president and his wife preside over the area and all of the missionaries within. They coordinate the efforts of the young missionaries by assigning them companions, providing training and leadership, and looking out for their material needs. A Mormon missionary will move every 1 to 6 months within the mission and be assigned a variety of companions.What does a Mormon missionary do?Mormon missionaries teach the gospel of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to those who are interested. They share a message about Jesus Christ and his atonement. Mormon missionaries also teach about our Heavenly Father’s great plan of salvation, which allows families to be together forever.It is preferred that missionary instruction be done within the home of a member, and members are encouraged to invite their friends and family to hear the missionaries.Missionaries also perform community service. They serve in rest homes, hospitals, orphanages, YMCA’s, and teach English, among other things. They also help when natural disasters strike. Some missionaries have special assignments to assist with health and welfare, such as building wells in Africa, instructing doctors in South America, or other states that, “Missionaries are instructed to have the deepest respect for the laws and customs of the countries where they serve and to respect the right of all people to determine how they will worship.”Mormon missionaries are often far from home and welcome the opportunity to talk with and teach others about the message of Christ’s restored church that they so strongly believe in.Mormon missionaries have a schedule and rules that they are asked to follow while they are serving.Why does the Mormon Church send missionaries? says, “There is a strong tradition of missionary service in the Church. The Savior taught in Matthew 28:19, ‘Go ye therefore, and teach all nations.’ Church members consider it a privilege to show their love for other people and the Lord by sharing the gospel.”Imagine that you had a priceless gift that you knew could help other people and change their lives. You would want to share that gift. Mormon missionaries believe that they have a priceless gift, the restored gospel of The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.If you are interested in learning more about the Mormon Church, receiving a Book of Mormon, or having the Mormon missionaries contact you, visit interesting information about Mormon Missionaries:
Mormon Missionary – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly – Cover Story – God’s Army: Mormon Missionaries – A fantastic way to write your LDS Missionary
Columbia News Service: A Token Sermon: Manhattan Mormon Missionaries
Mormon Missionary Work – Lightplanet
Mormon Missionary: Information from
Mormon Missionaries –
Meet Mormon Missionaries

Mormon Missionary – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly – Cover Story – God’s Army: Mormon Missionaries – A fantastic way to write your LDS Missionary
Columbia News Service: A Token Sermon: Manhattan Mormon Missionaries
Mormon Missionary Work – Lightplanet
Mormon Missionary: Information from
Mormon Missionaries –
Meet Mormon Missionaries