Following a Sunday meeting held at the temple, Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery knelt in prayer near the pulpit in the temple. After saying the prayer, they saw a vision. The full account of the vision is recorded in Doctrine and Covenants, section 110.In the vision Joseph and Oliver Cowdery saw the Lord standing above the pulpit. Christ told the two men that they had been forgiven of their sins. He also said the temple had been accepted as His house and that He would show himself to the people in the temple if they would keep the commandments and not defile the temple. Christ then told them that this was the beginning of many blessings that would be given to the members of the Church.The vision ended, and another vision began. In this vision, Moses appeared to the two men and gave them the keys to gather Israel. Then Elias appeared and “committed the dispensation of the Gospel of Abraham.”1 Then Elijah appeared and told the two men that the time had come when the hearts of the fathers would turn to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers. It is interesting to note that April 3, corresponds with the Jewish Passover and that traditionally this was the time when Elijah was prophesied to appear. (Elijah’s appearance occurred on the Jewish holiday of “Bikkurim,” which occurs during the Passover and coincides with the day of the resurrection of Christ.) All of these things that were given to the Prophet Joseph and Oliver were needed to begin temple work in this dispensation.See the next article in the timeline series.
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1 Section 110: 12. Doctrine and Covenants.