In the April Conference of 1984, then Apostle James E. Faust spoke about the Prophet Joseph Smith and the vision he had near his home in Palmyra. No event was more glorious, more controversial, nor more important in the story of Joseph Smith than that vision. Though persecuted for the rest of his life, Joseph remained true to what he had seen and heard. Some of the greatest religious truths in Mormon doctrinecame from that vision: God and Jesus Christ live, They are separate beings, God still hears and answers prayers, Satan is real, and there was a falling away from Christ’s Church after the apostles. Joseph Smith was a remarkable man, respected and loved by those who knew him. (Read the Article).
Apostle Dieter F. Uchtdorf, in the 2005 April Conference of the Mormon Church, spoke about the benefits and knowledge reaped from Joseph Smith’s First Vision. As a young boy in post-WWII Germany, Elder Uchtdorf recalls admiring a stained-glass window portraying Joseph in the Sacred Grove. Through the testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith, and other prophets before and since, we can come to better know that Jesus is the Christ and strengthen our own testimonies of the gospel. (Read the Article).