What Do Mormons Believe About God? In the book Lectures on Faith, the Prophet Joseph Smith outlines three things that a person needs to know to have faith in God, the first is the fact that God actually exists. It is important to establish that belief in God is the first and foremost element of Mormon belief…(read more)
Mormons are Christians and believe in, and worship Jesus Christ. Mormon doctrine teaches that Christ is the literal Son of God. Through Christ a way was provided for us to be perfected and return to live with God. …(read more) What Do Mormons Believe About Baptism and the Gift of the Holy Ghost? Mormon doctrine teaches that baptism is essential to being able to live with God again. In the Mormon Church members are baptized by immersion, which means that the entire body is put under water. This is the way in which Jesus was baptized as recorded in Matthew chapter 3, and members of the Mormon Church follow His example…(read more) What Are the Official Scriptures of the Mormon Church? The Mormon Church regards four books as official scripture; the King James Version of the Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price….(read more) What is the Priesthood in Mormonism? Mormon doctrine teaches that the priesthood is the authority to act in God’s name. The priesthood held by the male members of the Mormon Church is the same priesthood that was given to the apostles in the original Church established by Christ. On May 15, 1829…(read more) Are All Men Responsible for their own Sins? The second Article of Faith in the Mormon Church states that, “We believe that men will be punished for their own sins and not for Adam’s transgression.” There are those that believe Adam and Eve committed a grave sexual sin when they ate of the fruit in the Garden of Eden. However…(read more) What Do Mormons Believe About Grace? In Christianity, there is a constant debate about whether salvation if given to man by grace or if it is earned through good works. The Mormon Church teaches that both have a major role in out salvation. The Church teaches that Christ’s Atonement…(read more) Do Mormons Have a Special Health and Morality Code? Members of the Mormon Church are taught that bodies are gifts from God and that keeping them healthy and pure is an important part of being able to progress spiritually. God gave guidelines to the Prophet Joseph Smith to help us take care of our bodies….(read more) What About Books About the Mormon Church? If you are making an honest inquiry into the Mormon Church or just want to know what they really teach, first decide whether the source is reliable. Check to see who wrote the Mormon book, why they wrote it, and who published it…(read more) Go to the next article in the Beliefs section: Baptism and the Holy Ghost. |